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Pro Elit English | Idiom of the Day
fall off the turnip truck To be gullible, naive or unsophisticated. The subject is often a person from a rural or rustic background who...

PRO Elit English | IGCSE First Language English 2019 Paper 2
Anyone gearing up for their IGCSEs in 2019? Way to early, you say? Well, I'd beg to differ. As the saying goes, 'Preparation is the key...

PRO Elit English | Plan Your Writing in 3 Easy Steps
Do you plan before you write your essays? If your answer is yes, then good for you! Unfortunately, many students skip doing this and dive...

PRO ELIT English | IGCSE English as a Second Language 2019 Update!
For those taking the CIE IGCSE English as a Second Language 0510 or 0511 in 2019, it is important to take note of the following changes...

PRO ELIT English | Phrasal Verbs for Writing: Yea or Nay?
A phrasal verb is a verb that is made up of a main verb together with an adverb or a preposition, or both. When these words are used...

Pro Elit: Glossary (Hurricane Irma)
BBC's article 'Hurricane Irma: All you need to know' takes you through the devastating effects of Hurricane Irma. This Category 5...

PRO ELIT UPSR English Paper Format and Tips
Familiarity with the examination format is a prerequisite for doing well in the examination. It reduces uncertainty for the students so...
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