Pro Elit: Glossary (Hurricane Irma)

BBC's article 'Hurricane Irma: All you need to know' takes you through the devastating effects of Hurricane Irma. This Category 5 hurricane has been all over the news this past week, tearing through cities and unleashing damaging winds and rain.
The following words are found in the BBC article above. We hope that this mini glossary will help you fully understand any difficult words used in the article. Sentences containing the words explained are taken from the article.
causing great and irreparable harm or damage
The destructive storm hit the state on Sunday with heavy rain and winds of around 100 miles an hour.
towards the north
The storm weakened as it moved northwards but at least four people have reportedly died in the state.
estimate (past tense: estimated; past participle: estimated):
roughly calculate or judge the value, number, quantity or extent of
It is estimated 1.2 million people on the islands have been affected by Irma and that could rise to 26 million after hitting the US, according to the Red Cross.
a person who predicts or estimates a future event or trend. A weather forecaster would refer to a person who predicts or estimates weather conditions.
Weather forecasters say it's the second strongest Atlantic storm ever.
openly or formally asserted or announced
disaster relief:
financial or physical help provided to people or areas hit by a disaster
US President Donald Trump has declared a state of emergency for Florida, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands, organising disaster relief efforts for those areas.
a place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger
Emergency shelters have been opened up and schools have been closed.
existing, happening or operating in the air. An aerial tour refers to a short trip carried out from the air, especially using aircraft, in order to view or inspect something.
impossible to travel along or over
Speaking as he went on an aerial tour of the Keys, Florida Governor Rick Scott said: "Power lines are down throughout the state. We've got roads that are impassable, so everybody's got to be patient as we work through this."
bring back (a previous right, practice, custom, or situation); reinstate
Huge amounts of money will now be needed to care for victims, clean up rubbish, restore power, and repair damage to homes and businesses in Florida.
cause (someone or something) to be vulnerable or at risk; endanger
Two more hurricanes - Jose and Katia - are also now threatening the area.